

in motion

Han iyo dookh

Vocals by Faraax Murtiile and Farxiya Fiiska

Translation by Abdihakim Omer and Christina Woolner

Hey Hibo! You are my good luck
You appear like ligtheneing
You are like Hodan [Boodheri’s beloved]
Your beauty is like lightning
Girls cover their body with modesty/shyness
Put conduct over their heads [act good manner]
The mother who raised them
Is modesty
Beside the appearance and honor
Heritage of our religion
They have talent and beauty
Somali girls
Are recognized as the best
[Better] than all other women of the world
They have talent and beauty
The man who gets one is lucky

I am proud of you
If you chat with me
[For a] thousands nights
And I do not sleep
Hey Hibo, I will never get tired from
Your good speech

Hi Haybe! You are my good luck
You are brave
You are the cloth I wear
The sheet that I cover my body
Like two birthed by the same mother
And have suckled thesame breasts
We are closer than those
We are a tree and its shade
We are heritage and culture
We are a female-camel and its baby
We are ambition and choice
We cannot be separated in away

I am proud of you
If you chat with me
[For a] thousands nights
And I do not sleep
I will never get tired from
Your good speech, hey Heybe

[Farax Murtile]
Hibooy hodaalayeey
Hilaac muugdo tahoo
Habkii Hodan baad tahoo
Hilaac quruxda uga eeg
Xidhoodka hablaha huwanee
Hagoogta asluubta xiran
Hooyadii soo korisay baa
Hufnan lagu dheehayoo
Hor jooga iyo haybadana
Hiddaha diinteena iyo
Hibo iyo qurux baa u dheer
Hablaha Soomaaliyeed
Haweenka aduunka jira
Hormuudkoodi bay noqdeen
Hibana qurua baa u dheer
Ninkii helaa caw oleh

Anigu ku hanweyniyoo
Hadada kumanaaan habeen
Haasawaha ila wadoo
Hortanaa anaan is arag
Hibooy hadalkaga wacan
Marna ba kama haagayee

[Farxiya Fisk]
Haybow hoodaale wiil
Halyeey geesi baad tahee
Hubaan xidhanayay iyo
Go’aan huwanayay baa tahee
Labada hooyadu dhashee
Horaad wada nuugtay baan
Isaga hilib dhawnahoo
Hadh iyo geed bayno nee
Hiddo iyo Dhawan baynu nee
Hal iyo nirig baynu noo
Han iyo dookh baynu nahe
Sina ba uma kala hadhnee

Anigu kuu han weyniyoo

Hadaad ku manaan habeen

Haasaawaha ila wadoo
Hurdana aanaan is arag

Ogow hadalkaaga wacan

Haybow kama haagayee