Dadnimada aqoonso

Vocals by Xalima Khaliif Cumar “Magool” & Maxamed Kuluc, words and melody unconfirmed

Translation by K. Hassan and Christina Woolner


Until you die 
And are buried
I will follow you
To your grave

Thought I was human
In my generation, you are the only one
Don’t want another

See my humanity
This love cannot be refused
Once it hits you, be patient
Or do you feel sorry for me?


Girl, love is neither moving seasons
Nor shooting stars
Green pasture
Not like a desert

Someone who failed at their life’s mission
And relies on someone else’s success
Is a fool

Recognize my humanity
Like respectful (honourable) women
Utterances made in confidence
Should not be shared with another man


Boy, you are
Wrapped in honey
I spent time on you
And will never let you go

I thought I was human
I’ve been running after you [aimlessly]
I became homeless

Recognize my humanity
This love cannot be refused
Once it hits you, be patient
Or do feel sorry for me?


Girl, you are
Wrapped in bitterness
[I can] hardly swallow
Can’t take you [anymore] [lit. I can’t carry you]

You should not rebuff men’s decision
If someone doesn’t want you
You should accept his decision

Recognize my humanity
Like respectful (honourable) women
Utterances made in confidence
Should not be shared with another man

Recognize my humanity
This love cannot be refused
Once it hits you, be patient
Or do you feel sorry for me?

Intaa dunida nooshiyo
daluunka iyo iilkii
haddi lagugu duugana
dacalkaan ku haystaa

Dadna waan ismoodoo
da’dey adiga oo nool
mid kale lama dagaayee

Dadnimada aqoonsoo
jaceylkaan la diideyn
waa intuu ku daaree
ma ii diir naxeeysa

Inanyahey diraaciyo
dirir rooray kala wacan
adoo doog arkaaya
lama dago abaaree

Nin tiisiiba daayacey
kan kale dugsanayaa
ani ii kala doqonsadee

Dadnimada aqoonsoo
sidi dumar xishoodoo
hadalkii la dadi jiray
ha igu oran nin dabadii

Inanyahow dushaada
laygu daadshay malaboo
horaan kugu daallo
kuma deyn karaayee

Dadna waan ismoodoo
inaan kugu dul meeroo
ku dib jiro agtaadee

Dadnimada aqoonsoo
jaceylkaan la diideyn
waa intuu ku daaree
ma ii diir naxeeysaa

Inanyahey dushaadaa
lay mariyey dacaroo
dirqi kuu dhunmaye
kuu qaadi karimaayee

Ragga laguma diidee
ruuxii aan ku dooneyn
waa laga dambeeyaa

Dadnimada aqoonsoo
sidii dumar xishoodoo
hadalkii la dadi jiray
ha igu oran nin dabadii

Dadnimada aqoonsoo
jaceylkaan la diideyn
waa intuu ku daaree
ma ii diir naxeeysaa