Vocals by Aamina Cabdullaahi and Maxamed Kuluc, words and melody unconfirmed
My secret [lit. speech that I’ve been hiding]
The I used to hide from the people
Has become compulsory to share
Let me unwrap it
Are you ready for it
Or should I let it be
And take it to my grave [lit. “may love kill me”]
The way I see it
The injustice you felt
My own injury is aching me
Your message is not clear
Just say it clearly
[i.e. make your position known]
Tell your most serious pain
So it can be treated
Like heavy clouds that
Rained before the dawn break
This love begins
It has occupied my heart
It keeps coming back
It refuses to go away
I keep giving you my love
My own wound hurts me
I have been feeling the same love
For some time
But I would like to conclude
If you feel in your heart
Mine is ready for you also
God wills it
Hadal ii daboolnaa
Dadka aan ka qarin jiray
Ooy dani i tiri sheeg
Diirka aan ka qadee
Ma u tahay diyaar
Misa waaban dayaa
Ha idilo jacaylkuye
Aniguba dadkaan ahay
Dakanadii ku gaadhiyo
Dakhar baa i damqaysee
Ma degana warkaaguye
Bal doc uun isugu baydh
Wixii kuugu daran sheeg
Ha lagaa daweeyee
Sida waqal daruureed
Da’ay waa dhawaadkii
Caashaqan darroore
Intuu degay wadnaha
Diga rogana waayaa
Inuu kaa durkana diid
Waan kula duljoogaa
Anba nabar damqaayiyo
Dubaaqayga caashaqan
Ka dareemay waayadan
Waxse aan ku dayyn laa
Mar hadduu ku degay adi
Anaa kuu diyaaree
Isla doonasho Illaah
Copyright Christina Woolner 2024