Vocals by Axmed Gacayte, words by Ina Saleebaan Tubeec, melody unknown
Translation by K. Hassan and Christina Woolner
How you lead your life
Regardless of your situation
I would like to be aware of it
Where I am in my life
Wherever you are at
It’s impossible to receive news
I’ve set sights on you recently
And I did not hear from you
And you stopped writing letters to me
Although any news from me
Is worse than poison
Worse than wounds inflicted by bow-and-arrows
What you were expecting surprised me
But I, good girl
Your words do not hurt me
From Wardheer [name of a town]
Anyone entering from a river
Or entering from the oceans
I ask about you
[For proof] that I still love you
Ask some of the people
Oh God [for proof] that I still love you
Ask some of the people
I have not seen your face lately
And have not come by your street
Your longing for me did not go away
In my heart
You mean so much
when you refused our togetherness
and companionship
I went my way
Away with anger
As long as love rains
Day and night
Thunders in my heart
And litanies
In the Holy Quran
That is what you mean to me
Here-and-now (in this world)
Of all the women in this world
Whom Almighty Allah has created
I only care about [love] you
Hadba waxaad ku nooshiyo
Waayahaagu siduu yahay
Waan jeclaa inaan helo
Wakhtigii aan joogaba
Wajigii aad leedee
Way noqonse waydyoo
Waayadan kumaan arag
Warna kaama helinoo
Waraaqihiina daysaye
Inkastoo warkaygubaa
Waabay qadhaadhiyoo
Warmo kaaga daranyahay
Waxaad filatay yaablehe
Hadda anigu wacaneey
Weedhaada kama dido
Ilamaa Wardheeriyo
Kii webi ka soo gala
Ama badaha waaweyn
Adaan kaa wareystaa
Inaan weli ku jecelahay
Weyddii dadkaba qaar
(Alla) inaan weli ku jecelahay
Weyddii dadkaba qaar
Inkastoonan waayadan
Wajigaaga imanoon
Waddadiina soo marin
Walaacaagi kama tagin
Wadanaha jidhkaygoo
Si baad iigu weyntee,
Markaad wada jirkeennii
Iyo weheshi diidaan
Anna kali u weecdoo
Wisiisi baan ku maqanee
Inta waqalka caashaqu
Waagiyo habeenkii
Wadnahaygan ka onkodo
Ee aad wardiga iyo
Sida weheliye Qur’aan
Weheey aniga igu tahay
Adduunyadaa wareegtiyo
Ifka waxaa ku nool dumar
Ee weyne uumay
Adaan kaa wareystaa
Copyright Christina Woolner 2024