

in motion

Isha sacabka mari

Vocals by Khadra Daahir, words by Cabdulqaadir Xirsi “YamYam,” melody by Axmed Gacayte.

Translation by Abdihakim Omer and Christina Woolner

If all people assemble and
Come together
Only he [the one I love]
Can understand my feelings

I wish they were informed that
The wound of love
Always brings side effects

I always find myself
In an uninhabited forest
Like a she-camel crying to its young baby
I cry for you

I’ve got you a flower
I rushed to you!
Would you take it?

You have ignited
A complicated love
Could you save me from love’s complications?

This soul, this soul that
Submitted to you
Longs for you
And is your baby
Hee hee hee hee
Is blinded by your love
Haa haa haa haa
Is blinded by your love
Would you hold the other end of a walking stick?

Predictions and
[Good] omens
Like an oracle
I sense you
Oh! Ah!
Water sources
I moved around
But thirst did not go away

The elders’ verdict
Ought to decide
Wise decisions and knowledge
Should be the only referendum

Don’t shed any tears
Drought-stricken trees
Wipe away your tears

You have ignited
A painful affection
Will you save me from [love’s] hardships?

Dadkoo ururayoo
Isu tagay dhammaan
Ma ogaan karaan
Mooyee isaga!

Yaa uga warrama
Aramidu inay
Eel dheer taqaan

Hadba waxaan arkaa
Anoo ay cidla ah
Eri-dhaban sidiisii
Kuu ololayee

Ubax baan sidaa
Kuula soo ordee!
Maad iga aqbali?

Eedaad kalgacal
Adaa igu unkaye
Dhibtan mawga bixin?

Naftan naftan
Ku oggolee
Kuu abaajidee
Kuu abaydinka ah
Hee hee hee hee
Kugu indha la
Haa haa haa haa
Kugu indha la
Usha maad u qaban?

Ifo faalo iyo
Saad aragti dheer
Sida awliyaan
Ku oddorosayaa
Ayaa way haa
Ilo biyo leh
Ku ag meerayoo
Oonku ka ba’ayn

Garta odayada
La ajooday baa
Xasuus iyo aqoon
Afti kaa baxshee

Yey ku dhicin ilmadu
Dhir abaarsatee
Isha sacabka mari!

Eedaad kalgacal
Adaa igu unkaye
Dhibtan mawga bixin!
