

in motion


Vocals by Hibo Maxamed Huddoon “Hibo Nuura”, words by Axmed Saleebaan Bidde, melody unconfirmed

Translation from John W. Johnson, Heello (1996: 139-142)

While we were [yet] together
Helping each other in every way
You cast good counsel away, to the top of a [high] tree
You caused yourself distress,
And slaughtered yourself for your enemy
Giving your victory to him
Now you are so weakened
That light breezes bear you up
And from time to time, you grasp at a branch

For all the pleasures on this earth
One cannot full enjoy;
[Tell me] what causes you this distress?

The world is [but] a mirage
And for every two brothers,
only one being happy each day
The one who is fortunate
Should not abuse his prosperity
Should not maltreat [his neighbour]
And in your case, however,
[your] breast and feet were out of accord
For you are drifting up, up [into the air]

[Look at me]: my flesh and [all] my bones
Were completely consumed by him
I cannot even swallow food
The abundance of milk,
[Pure] rainwater,
Fresh air and rest in the cool shade, you have rejected
It is you who, like the male garanuug [a gazelle]
Left the [other] game, and
Turned to a desolate place

So often in the prosperity of the rains
As though you were a [proud] lion
You walked about majestically,
While I, because of your carousing
Had sleepless nights from impotent anger,
And [sometimes] behaved like a fool
The [beacon] fire in the [dark] night
And love, never disappear;
They roll on [after you, unrestrained]

(from Johnson 1996a: 139-142)

Innakoo lammaane ah
Iyo laba naf-qaybsile
Talo geed ku laashee
Adigaa is lumiyo
Isu loogay cadowgoo
Libintaadii siiyee
Waadiganse liitee
Leexadu Ku sidatee
Hadba laan cuskanayee

Liibaanteed adduunyada
Ruuxna laasan maayee
Maxaa lura naftaadii

Waa laac adduunyadu
Labadii walaalo ah
Midba maalin ladanyoo
Ruuxii u liil-galay
La mo loolo dhereggoo
Luggooyada ma geystee
Waadiganse laabtiyo
Lugaha is la waayaye
Meel sare lalanayee


Aniga ba lafiyo jiidh
Waa kii i laastaan
Liqi waayay oontee
Adigaa lis caanood
Iyo laad xareediyo
Laydhiyo hadh diidee
Waadigan sidii liig
Laasimay ugaadhee
Waaclada u leexdee


Dhaaxaad ladnaan rays
Sidaad aar libaax tay
Tallaabada ladhaaysoo
Anna lahashadaadii
Ledi waayay ciil oo
Liidnimo i raacdee
Lallabaa habeenkiyo
Ma libdhaan jacayl oo
Waa labalegdoodaan