Vocals by Maandeeq, words by Cabdillaahi Diiriye “Sooran,” melody unconfirmed
Translation by K. Hassan and Christina Woolner
Is he/it a jin or an angel?
Or is my life confused?
Perhaps it is so
My love jarihi [love boat]
Turned the wrong way
God, paradise or hell,
You direct people to each
I don’t know if my love is with me or not
My heart searches
[I expected] a warm welcome, and for my thirst to be quenched
After a long search
He sees my love
As nothing more than friendship
How should I guide him to my love?
The lightning of thunderstorms
Like precious stone glimmering
He is next to me
For sorrowful wailing or tenderness
I would give my life
(But instead love became) like heavy rain
Or like hippos in rivers
Who always swim
It/he hurts me
What I deserve
God will reward in paradise
It is my decision
I should be discreet about it
If he failed to keep his promise
Is the jaleel [a medicinal tree] a tree?
Is the single-shot shotgun a real rifle?
Is a black snake a beast?
What about the injustice inflicted on me?
Is it a lost cause/case?
People who want to have it both ways
Like a two-faced person/story
With many plots
With no clear direction
And similar confusion
I will overcome with God’s help
If luck/fate exists
Let it be
Time will tell
Ma jin baa ma jaan baa
Mise jahawareer bey
Arrintaydu joogtaa
Sowkan jarihii aan waday
Dhan kale u janjeedhsaday
Allahayow janniyo naar
Adow kala jiheeyee
Aniga jooge iga maqan
Qalbigaygii lana jiro
Oon jab iyo maamuus
Jirrow badan la soo maray
Isagana jacaylkuba
U lah yahay jaalle
Sideen ugu jihiyaa
Jibintoo hillaac iyo
Sida joharad nuurtuu
Meel iila joogoo
Jibad iyo kalgacalkana
Nafta waan u jari laa
Sida roob jirdaale ah
Ama jeerta wabiyada
Ee joogta weligeed
Sawkan jabadka iga galay
Jazahayga Eebbaa
Jannadiisa iga siin
Waxay tahay jawaabtaydu
Inaan kaba jalbeebtaa
Hadduu jabiyay wacadkii
Jaleeladu ma geed baa
Jilbiskuna ma bahal baa
Jigriguna ma qori baa
Ana jululudaydii
Ma wax aan jirayn baa
Dadka laba jar-daaqaa
Jirjiroole siduu yahay
Hadba jeega kuu dhiga
Ee aan dhanaba jirin
Iyo waxa la jaadaba
Jaliilkaan ka magan galay
Nabsiguna hadduu jiro
Hayska jalaqubteeyee
Loo joogi doonee
Copyright Christina Woolner 2024