Storied Voices, Storied Songs
(Or, I am calaacal)
“What is calaacal? Waa aniga [it’s me]! I am calaacal.”
Khadra Daahir Ciige
This chapter traces the making of the voice in circulation, with a particular focus on Hargeysa-born singer Khadra Daahir Ciige – fondly known as hooyada jacaylka, or ‘the mother of love.’ Weaving together stories that fans tell about her, the lyrics of her songs, reflections on the author’s encounters with Khadra, and the stories Khadra herself told, it provides an intimate reflection on the way that songs and singers are collaborative, multivocal constructions that are always in the making.
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Khadra Daahir
Khadra performs the song “Caashaqu ogeysiis ma leeyahay?” (Can love be publicly expressed/announced?), from the play Xishood iyo Jacayl (Shyness and Modesty)
Words by Cabdi Cali Weyd
Music by Saciid Maxamed Xarawo
Markuu seexday aadmigu,
Iyadoon ilays jirin!
Aqalkuna madow yahay
Araweelo ii timid
“Kacoo eeg sow imay odhan
Ubaxaan dugsiga dhigay!”
Niyadaan ka oogsaday
Markaan furay albaabkii
Awrkii cirkaan xalay
Arkayoon ku moodoo
Muddo ku ag-wareegee
Ugubnimo xishoodlee
Ilnugayl la waabtee
Afka kama caddayn karo
Ergana uma diran karee
Caashaqu ogeysiis ma leeyahay
Naftii jacayl la ooman,
Kolna eed ma weydee
Sida igadh maqaaray
Olol reemay goortaan
Indhahayga wiilkii aan
Oggolaaday saaree
Mar waxaan idhaahdaa
Bal ayaamo sii dhawr;
Marna waxaan idhaahdaa
Abidkaaba haw tagin
Misna kama adkaystee
Miyaan ka ag fogaadaa?
Sidii ayra geeloo
Ilmo loogu xidhay waab
Inanimadu yaab leh!
Ka adkayso sow ismaan odhan
Edebtaadana ha u tudho
Niyadaan ka ooyaa!
Urugada xasuusta
Uurkiyo calooshay
Aramidu i jiiftaa
Ma illaawi karayee
When human beings went to sleep
And there was no light!
And the house was dark
Araweelo [a mythical Somali queen] came to me [and told me]
“get up and have a look at the flower
that I have put in the warm area”
I got my hopes up
When I opened the door
I saw the sky camel [constellation] last night
I thought it was you and
[For] a while, I circled around it
A virgin [lit. ‘virginity’] is bashful
I shy away
I cannot express it clearly and
Nor can I convey my love through a messenger
Can love be expressed/announced publicly?
A soul thirsty for love
Is vulnerable to criticism
Like a she-camel whose calf has died and has
been made to suckle another calf
I cry out
When I set my sights on
The boy I chose
I sometimes say to myself
Wait for a while
And other times, I say to myself
Never approach him
But I cannot control myself
Should I stay away from him
I am like a she-camel who is crying after her
calf who has been tied under a wood hut
Being a girl is full of surprises!
I decided to stay away from him
And preserve my dignity,
I cry for my soul
Because of sad memories
Deep in my heart [lit. in my womb and stomach]
Lie wounds
I cannot forget him
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Pushed by the Winds of Love: Finding First Voice
Afka lagama sheegta
Vocals by Khadra Daahir,
words by Maxamed Cali Weyrax
melody by Saalax Qaasim Naaji
Afka lagama sheegtoo
Adigoon jacayl arag
Looma uur xumaadee
Aniguu i helayoo
Intuu soo abraarruu
Xadhig igu adkeeyee
Sowtan aramidiisii
Igu sii fidaysee
Aan ka jiifsan waayee
Kii igu abuuree
U ilmaynayow
Haygu eeginee ii imaw
Anfacadii ka go’ayoo
Eedaadka caashaqa
U adkaysan waayee
Intuu igu itaalsaday
Iimana tudhaayoo
Anfariir ka qaadee
Sowtan alhuumadiisii!
Oofaha dhexdoodiyo
Adhaxduu i gooyee
Kii igu abuureen
U ilmaynayow
Haygu eeginee ii imaw
You cannot speak about it [i.e. don’t pretend]
If you have never lived through love
And do not hold ill-feeling
[against something you haven’t experienced]
Me, it [love] found me
It was sudden
Tied me with rope
Its wound, there it is
Still spreading [through my body]
I could not sleep!
He who sowed the seed of love
I’m still shedding tears for him
Don’t just watch, come save me [i.e. love me in return]
I lost my appetite
The unbearable pain of love
I cannot endure it
It got stronger
It’s not merciful towards me
It frightens me
Its afflictions
Cut through my ribs
And broke my backbone in two
Oh you who sowed the seeds of love
I’m still shedding tears for him
Don’t just watch, come save me [i.e. love me in return]
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Becoming Calaacal
Isha sacabka mari
Vocals by Khadra Daahir,
words by Cabdulqaadir Xirsi “YamYam,”
melody by Axmed Gacayte.
Figure 3.2 is a notation of 8:56-9:26 of this recording
Dadkoo ururayoo
Isu tagay dhammaan
Ma ogaan karaan
Mooyee isaga!
Yaa uga warrama
Aramidu inay
Eel dheer taqaan
Hadba waxaan arkaa
Anoo ay cidla ah
Eri-dhaban sidiisii
Kuu ololayee
Ubax baan sidaa
Kuula soo ordee!
Maad iga aqbali?
Eedaad kalgacal
Adaa igu unkaye
Dhibtan mawga bixin?
Naftan naftan
Ku oggolee
Kuu abaajidee
Kuu abaydinka ah
Hee hee hee hee
Kugu indha la
Haa haa haa haa
Kugu indha la
Usha maad u qaban?
Ifo faalo iyo
Saad aragti dheer
Sida awliyaan
Ku oddorosayaa
Ayaa way haa
Ilo biyo leh
Ku ag meerayoo
Oonku ka ba’ayn
Garta odayada
La ajooday baa
Xasuus iyo aqoon
Afti kaa baxshee
Yey ku dhicin ilmadu
Dhir abaarsatee
Isha sacabka mari!
Eedaad kalgacal
Adaa igu unkaye
Dhibtan mawga bixin!
If all people assemble and
Come together
Only he [the one I love]
Can understand my feelings
I wish they were informed that
The wound of love
Always brings side effects
I always find myself
In an uninhabited forest
Like a she-camel crying to its young baby
I cry for you
I’ve got you a flower
I rushed to you!
Would you take it?
You have ignited
A complicated love
Could you save me from love’s complications?
This soul, this soul that
Submitted to you
Longs for you
And is your baby
Hee hee hee hee
Is blinded by your love
Haa haa haa haa
Is blinded by your love
Would you hold the other end of a walking stick?
Predictions and
[Good] omens
Like an oracle
I sense you
Oh! Ah!
Water sources
I moved around
But thirst did not go away
The elders’ verdict
Ought to decide
Wise decisions and knowledge
Should be the only referendum
Don’t shed any tears
Drought-stricken trees
Wipe away your tears
You have ignited
A painful affection
Will you save me from [love’s] hardships?
Vocals by Khadra Daahir
Words by Xasan Ganey
Melody unconfirmed
Adigaan ku yeedshaa
Ku yaboohiyaa weli
Yuuskana aday baray
Yablas-ciille igu riday
Aa aa
Adiguna yaqiintii,
Qalbigeenni wada yiil
Ayaad yeelaha u goysee
Xaggee buu yabaal?
Kaaga yeedhayood?
U yahoonsan tahay?
Iga yaabsatee?
Adigaan ku yeeshoo
Kuna yeelan waayoo
Adiguna yuhuuntii
Yacaygeedii dumisaye
Hayaa, Alle wey!
Anna waxaan yaxoobaa
Wali yuururaa meel
Shimbiruhu ka yaaceen
I look for you
Still trace you
You who forced me to nag
And wail with resentment
Aa aa
The certainty
In our hearts
You breached the contract
Where does this worry come from?
Where is it calling you from?
Why are you upset?
Why do you frustrate me?
I have found you
And failed to have you
And you destroyed
The hope of good will
O, my God!
And I am sitting
Sitting [downcast] in a [desolate] place From which even the birds have flown
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Departures and Returns
New Dawn
During the 1990s, Khadra and several other Waaberi artists recording the following album at the Peter Gabrial Studio in London:
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Remembering and Revoicing the Mother of Love