

in motion


Listening to Love

“If you feel these things – if you feel love – then you must listen to music!”

This chapter is about the work private, mainly solitary, love song listening. It profiles five different listeners of varying age and love biographies, focusing on the ways that these listeners each put love songs to work strategically in their own lives —whether it be to help them articulate love sentiments, make claims on their intimate partners, commiserate (aurally) with other love-sufferers, heal various love wounds, or foster romance.

On this page you fill find the music, texts and translations of all of the songs featured in this chapter – listen along!

Page / 118-121


Jamasho (Passion)

Vocals by Nimcaan Hilaac
Words by Sadiiq Maxamud Gahayr
Melody by Cabdihani Xaashi Cabdillaahi
Instrumentation by Axmed Weli “Furinle”

Jirradiyo dhibkaan qabo
Tolow ruux la jaar ahi
Miyuu dunida joogaa?

Jidiinkii ka go’ayoo
Indhihii jiciirmo
Waaanigan jirbeysanee

Jamashadan i haysee
Jiidatee naftaydee
Ay ka jeesan weydaa
Ma adigaa, hoy, ma adiga?
Ma anigaa? Ma anigaa u jeel qaba
Hoy hoy ma adiga
Ma adigaa u jeel qaba

Hadaad jiriso saadaal
Jeer un baaad la kulantaa
Intaad dunida joogtee

Jeegaan jeegaan la modaa
Jaleecadaan ku caashaqay
Jeexaygii waan sugay
Jeexaygii waan sugay

Jamashadan i haysee
Jiidatee naftaydii
Ay ka jeesan weydaa… adigaa
Haa adigaa, adigaa
Ma adigaa? Ma adigaa u jeel qaba
Hoy hoy ma aniga
Ma anigaa u jeel qaba

The pain and problems I have
I wonder, is there another in the world
Who has them too?

I have given up eating
My eyes went upwards
And I am ecstatic

This passion that has me
It attracts me to you
I can’t turn away from you
Is it you, hey, is it me?
Is it me? Does longing have me?
Hey! Hey! Is it you?
Does longing have you?

If you have a future prospect
You may encounter once,
During your life in the world

You look like a rainbow
I loved you
From a glance
I am waiting for my partner

This passion that has me
It attracts me to you
I can’t turn away from you
Is it you, hey, is it me?
Is it me? Does longing have me?
Hey! Hey! Is it you?
Does longing have you?

Page / 126-130

Preparing for and Articulating Love

Hadal ii daboolnaa

Vocals by Aamina Cabdullaahi and Maxamed Kuluc Words by Sadiiq Maxamud Gahayr words and melody unconfirmed

Hadal ii daboolnaa
Dadka aan ka qarin jiray
Ooy dani i tiri sheeg
Diirka aan ka qadee
Ma u tahay diyaar
Misa waaban dayaa
Ha idilo jacaylkuye

Aniguba dadkaan ahay
Dakanadii ku gaadhiyo
Dakhar baa i damqaysee
Ma degana warkaaguye
Bal doc uun isugu baydh

Wixii kuugu daran sheeg
Ha lagaa daweeyee

Sida waqal daruureed
Da’ay waa dhawaadkii
Caashaqan darroore
Intuu degay wadnaha
Diga rogana waayaa
Inuu kaa durkana diid
Waan kula duljoogaa

Anba nabar damqaayiyo
Dubaaqayga caashaqan
Ka dareemay waayadan

Waxse aan ku dayyn laa
Mar hadduu ku degay adi
Anaa kuu diyaaree
Isla doonasho Illaah

My secret (lit. speech that I’ve been hiding)
The I used to hide from the people
Has become compulsory to share
Let me unwrap it
Are you ready for it
Or should I let it be
And take it to my grave [lit. “may love kill me”]

The way I see it
The injustice you felt
My own injury is aching me
Your message is not clear
Just say it clearly
[i.e. make your position known]
Tell your most serious pain
So it can be treated

Like heavy clouds that
Rained before the dawn break
This love begins
It has occupied my heart
It keeps coming back
It refuses to go away
I keep giving you my love

My own wound hurts me
I have been feeling the same love
For some time

But I would like to conclude
If you feel in your heart
Mine is ready for you also
God wills it

Inaan weli ku jecelahay

Vocals by Axmed Gacayte
Words by Ina Saleebaan Tubeec
melody unknown
Hadba waxaad ku nooshiyo
Waayahaagu siduu yahay
Waan jeclaa inaan helo
Wakhtigii aan joogaba
Wajigii aad leedee
Way noqonse waydyoo
Waayadan kumaan arag
Warna kaama helinoo
Waraaqihiina daysaye

Inkastoo warkaygubaa
Waabay qadhaadhiyoo

Warmo kaaga daranyahay
Waxaad filatay yaablehe
Hadda anigu wacaneey
Weedhaada kama dido
Ilamaa Wardheeriyo
Kii webi ka soo gala
Ama badaha waaweyn
Adaan kaa wareystaa

Inaan weli ku jecelahay
Weyddii dadkaba qaar
(Alla) inaan weli ku jecelahay
Weyddii dadkaba qaar

Inkastoonan waayadan
Wajigaaga imanoon
Waddadiina soo marin
Walaacaagi kama tagin
Wadanaha jidhkaygoo
Si baad iigu weyntee,
Markaad wada jirkeennii
Iyo weheshi diidaan
Anna kali u weecdoo
Wisiisi baan ku maqanee


Inta waqalka caashaqu
Waagiyo habeenkii
Wadnahaygan ka onkodo
Ee aad wardiga iyo
Sida weheliye Qur’aan
Weheey aniga igu tahay
Adduunyadaa wareegtiyo
Ifka waxaa ku nool dumar
Ee weyne uumay
Adaan kaa wareystaa


How you lead your life
Regardless of your situation
I would like to be aware of it
Where I am in my life
Wherever you are at
It’s impossible to receive news
I’ve set sights on you recently
And I did not hear from you
And you stopped writing letters to me

Although any news from me
Is worse than poison

Worse than wounds inflicted by bow-and-arrows
What you were expecting surprised me
But I, good girl
Your words do not hurt me
From Wardheer [name of a town]
Anyone entering from a river
Or entering from the oceans
I ask about you

[For proof] that I still love you
Ask some of the people
Oh God [for proof] that I still love you
Ask some of the people

I have not seen your face lately
And have not come by your street
Your longing for me did not go away
In my heart
You mean so much
when you refused our togetherness
and companionship
I went my way
Away with anger


As long as love rains
Day and night
Thunders in my heart
And litanies
In the Holy Quran
That is what you mean to me
Here-and-now (in this world)
Of all the women in this world
Whom Almighty Allah has created
I only care about [love] you

Page / 130-135

Healing the Wounds of Love

Ma jin baa ma jaan baa?

Vocals by Maandeeq
Words by Cabdillaahi Diiriye “Sooran”
Melody unconfirmed

Ma jin baa ma jaan baa
Mise jahawareer bey
Arrintaydu joogtaa
Sowkan jarihii aan waday
Dhan kale u janjeedhsaday

Allahayow janniyo naar
Adow kala jiheeyee
Aniga jooge iga maqan
Qalbigaygii lana jiro

Oon jab iyo maamuus
Jirrow badan la soo maray
Isagana jacaylkuba
U lah yahay jaalle
Sideen ugu jihiyaa
Jibintoo hillaac iyo
Sida joharad nuurtuu
Meel iila joogoo
Jibad iyo kalgacalkana
Nafta waan u jari laa
Sida roob jirdaale ah
Ama jeerta wabiyada
Ee joogta weligeed
Sawkan jabadka iga galay
Jazahayga Eebbaa
Jannadiisa iga siin

Waxay tahay jawaabtaydu
Inaan kaba jalbeebtaa
Hadduu jabiyay wacadkii
Jaleeladu ma geed baa
Jilbiskuna ma bahal baa
Jigriguna ma qori baa
Ana jululudaydii
Ma wax aan jirayn baa

Dadka laba jar-daaqaa
Jirjiroole siduu yahay
Hadba jeega kuu dhiga
Ee aan dhanaba jirin
Iyo waxa la jaadaba
Jaliilkaan ka magan galay

Nabsiguna hadduu jiro
Hayska jalaqubteeyee
Loo joogi doonee

Is he/it a jin or an angel?
Or is my life confused?
Perhaps it is so
My love jarihi [love boat]
Turned the wrong way

God, paradise or hell,
You direct people to each
I don’t know if my love is with me or not
My heart searches

[I expected] a warm welcome, and for my thirst to be quenched
After a long search
He sees my love
As nothing more than friendship
How should I guide him to my love?

The lightning of thunderstorms
Like precious stone glimmering
He is next to me

For sorrowful wailing or tenderness
I would give my life
(But instead love became) like heavy rain
Or like hippos in rivers
Who always swim
It/he hurts me
What I deserve
God will reward in paradise

It is my decision
I should be discreet about it
If he failed to keep his promise
Is the jaleel [a medicinal tree] a tree?
Is the single-shot shotgun a real rifle?
Is a black snake a beast?
What about the injustice inflicted on me?
Is it a lost cause/case?

People who want to have it both ways
Like a two-faced person/story
With many plots
With no clear direction
And similar confusion
I will overcome with God’s help

If luck/fate exists
Let it be
Time will tell

Dadnimada aqoonso

(See my humanity)

Vocals by Maandeeq
Words by Cabdillaahi Diiriye “Sooran”
Melody  unconfirmed


Intaa dunida nooshiyo
daluunka iyo iilkii
haddi lagugu duugana
dacalkaan ku haystaa

Dadna waan ismoodoo
da’dey adiga oo nool
mid kale lama dagaayee

Dadnimada aqoonsoo
jaceylkaan la diideyn
waa intuu ku daaree
ma ii diir naxeeysa


Inanyahey diraaciyo
dirir rooray kala wacan
adoo doog arkaaya
lama dago abaaree

Nin tiisiiba daayacey
kan kale dugsanayaa
ani ii kala doqonsadee

Dadnimada aqoonsoo
sidi dumar xishoodoo
hadalkii la dadi jiray
ha igu oran nin dabadii


Inanyahow dushaada
laygu daadshay malaboo
horaan kugu daallo
kuma deyn karaayee

Dadna waan ismoodoo
inaan kugu dul meeroo
ku dib jiro agtaadee

Dadnimada aqoonsoo
jaceylkaan la diideyn
waa intuu ku daaree
ma ii diir naxeeysaa 


Inanyahey dushaadaa
lay mariyey dacaroo
dirqi kuu dhunmaye
kuu qaadi karimaayee

Ragga laguma diidee
ruuxii aan ku dooneyn
waa laga dambeeyaa

Dadnimada aqoonsoo
sidii dumar xishoodoo
hadalkii la dadi jiray
ha igu oran nin dabadii

Dadnimada aqoonsoo
jaceylkaan la diideyn
waa intuu ku daaree
ma ii diir naxeeysaa


Until you die [as long as you live]
And are buried
I will follow you
To your grave

Thought I was human
In my generation, you are the only one
Don’t want another

See my humanity
This love cannot be refused
Once it hits you, be patient
Or do you feel sorry for me?

Girl, love is neither moving seasons
Nor shooting stars
Green pasture
Not like a desert

Someone who failed at their life’s mission
And relies on someone else’s success
Is a fool

Recognize my humanity
Like respectful (honourable) women
Utterances made in confidence
Should not be shared with another man

Boy, you are
Wrapped in honey
I spent time on you
And will never let you go

I thought I was human
I’ve been running after you [aimlessly]
I became homeless

Recognize my humanity
This love cannot be refused
Once it hits you, be patient
Or do feel sorry for me?

Girl, you are
Wrapped in bitterness
[I can] hardly swallow
Can’t take you [anymore] [lit. I can’t carry you]

You should not rebuff men’s decision
If someone doesn’t want you
You should accept his decision

Recognize my humanity
Like respectful (honourable) women
Utterances made in confidence
Should not be shared with another man

Recognize my humanity
This love cannot be refused
Once it hits you, be patient
Or do you feel sorry for me?

Page / 135-139

Remembering Love(-Pain), Cultivating Mercy

Jamasho (Passion)

Vocals by Xasan Aadan Samatar
Words by Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame “Hadraawi”
Melody by Cabdikariin Faarax Qaaray “Cabdikariin Jiir”

Bi’i waa jacaylow
Boodhari inuu dilay
been baan u haystee.

Bi’i waa jacaylow
boog aan la dhayinoo
cidi baanan karinoo
beerkiyo wadnaha iyo
bogga kaaga taalliyo
inuu yahay bir caashaqu
been baan u haystee.

Webigoo butaacoo
beeraha waraabshoo
dhulku baadku jiifoo
dhirta ubaxu buuxshoo
canabkii bislaadoo
badarkiyo gelleyddii
laga tuuray baalkoo
Bulladiyo ciyaaraha
lagu waa bariistoo
beeluhu gu’ joogaan
sow beri-samaadkii
Beled-Weyne maan tegin.

Dhanka bari magaalada
saw boqorod joogtoo
biyo dahab la moodoo
bilicdii haweenkiyo
bili loo dhammeeyoo
timo boqonta joogoo
baal goray la moodoo
baarkana casaankii
bidix midig is gaadhoo
bul-cad lagu xiddeeyoo
badh ku seexanaysoo
barkanaysa qaaroo
huuwanaysa baaloo
igu beertay lahashoon
u buseelay maan baran.

Sow goor barqa ahoo
bishu ay siddeed tahay
aniga iyo Beer luli
isku maanan soo bixin.

Sow bariidadaydii
iyo badashadeedii
buundada ciyaartee
Beled-Weyne ku taalee
biyo lulata guudkood
badhtankeeda maahayn.

Sow bixiso weeyee
ballan maanu dhiganoo
berri joog imay odhan.

Sow bayd go’aygii
layguma bushaareyn.
“maantaa la baxayaa”
bulshadii imay odhan.
“Sow waa bastey oo
socod beegsan maayee
ina baaja caawoo
i baxnaansha,” maan odhan.

Sow taliye baasoo
ba’ anoo war moogi
taydii ma beeneyn

Sow badiba kooxdii
goortay badheedhee
baabuurki fuuleen
anna baal kamaan korin.

Boholyow daraaddii
sow baraq nuglaantii
belo lagu ducaystiyo
baryo kuma maqnaynoo
“biri may xumaatuu
baadroolka daadshoo
ka wadaa bukoodoo
bogsan waayo,” maan odhan.

Sow beriga waagiyo
barqo kulul dhexdoodii
geed baaxad weynoo
dherer iyo ballaadh-loo
Beled-Weyn ku caanoo
la yidhaahdo baaroo
bilig dheer hirkiisii
ma bidhaansanaynoo
bulxankiisa yeedhiyo
ma maqlaynin baaqii.

Sow baaxad soorii
iyo laba boglayntii
maan noqon bestey oo
bacadkii ma dheelliman.

Sow galab-boqoolkii
annagoo barwaaqiyo
meel baadle joognoo
tumanayna Beerrey
sow maan baraarugin.

Riyo beena weeyee
saw baalla-daymii
baabuur lalaayood
haad baalle mooddoo
fananaayo buur dheer
isma odhan ka boodoo
nafta sow ma biimayn.

Nin Banaadir joogoo
Beled-weyn la haystoo
waxaan ahay la baabee
sow baadi doonkii
wali baafis maan ihi.

Beled-Weyn Allahayow
ka dhig xero badhaadheed.

Beerlula Allahayow
balaayada hareer mari.

Beled-Weyn Allahayow
ka dhig guri barwaaqeed.

Beerlula Allahayow
beryo samo ku nooleey.

Beled-Weyn Allahayow
ka dhig beerta raaxada.

Beerlula Allahayow
ka barii wax yeellada

Oh love, may you live forever!
That it killed Boodhari
I took it for a lie!

Oh love, may you live forever!
An ulcerous wound which hasn’t been salved and
which no one can nurse and
which is in the liver and the heart and
the side is present in you and
that love is [also] a weapon
I took it for a lie!

The river which burst its banks and
watered the farms and
the land on which the pasture land and
the trees which the flowers filled and
the grapes which ripened and
the grains and the maize
from which the ears have been thrown and
the bullo [a dance] and the dances
which [people] spent the night [performing] and
the communities are in the rainy season
did I not, during the time of richness
go to the town of Beledweyn?

On the east side of the town
a queen lives there
who one thinks is water of gold and
in whom the beauty of women and
good fortune was completed and
hair which was at the Achilles tendon and
which seemed to be a male ostrich feather and
which on the top the redness
reached from left to right and
which had been decorated with bul-cad and
on half of which she is sleeping and
on [another] part she is resting her head and
with a side [of which] she is covering herself and
who planted in me longing and
whom I desired to meet?

Late in the morning
on the eight of the month
I and Beerlula
met accidently

Her greetings
and my encounter
at the swinging bridge
in Beledweyn
above the moving waves
right at the centre

It was the cause of the problem,
We promised; then
she said: “Stay tomorrow”

Terrible news
was told to me;
“Today we are leaving”
My group said to me.
“I am very ill
and I cannot go on the journey
so let’s stay tonight and
rehabilitate me,” I responded

A merciless cruel commander
who was not aware of my condition
refused my suggestion

Then when most of
the group
got into the car
I desperately also got in

But because of longing
and yearning
I was busy
praying for a calamity
“May some metal part cease to work
and the petrol tank spring a leak
the road be blocked
and the driver fall ill” I said.

From the break of dawn and
through the first hot morning hours
the massive tree
which was famous in
called Baar
from a far distance
I stared at it
I heard a noise
[I heard it] calling

Because of disappointment
and worry
I became very sick
and unconscious

During the afternoon travel,
I dreamed of being
In a green leafy place [with Beerlula]
Doing the “Beeray” dance; then
I woke up

It was an unreal situation [a dream],
after glancing at every side,
a fast car
like a flying bird
moving up a mountain
I tried to jump off
putting myself at risk

A man who is in Banaadir and
Who holds to Beledweyn and
I am [someone] who has been put under a spell and
The one looking for the lost [person]
Am I not still searching?

Oh God may Beledweyn be
a prosperous area

Oh God, save Beerlula
from evil

Oh God may Beledweyn
Be a prosperous home;

Oh God may Beerlula live well
for many years

Oh God make Beledweyn
a comfortable garden

Oh God, save
Beerlula from disaster


Vocals by Farxiya Kaba-Yare
Words/melody/music unconfirmed

Caashaqu weligii lagama dhergoo
Dhuuxiyo lafahuu u dhaadhacaa
Dhuunta cuunadu ay martiyo
Dhiigiyo wadnahuu dhex socdaa

Sida dhibic roob baan kuu dhawraa
Sida wiil aan dhalaay kaaga naxaa
Dhibtiyo ciilkaan kuu diidaa

Dhammow caashaqa adda igu beeray
Dhabtii adigaan kugu dhaataa
Dhaktarkii jacaylkana adiga ahow
Boogtani adigaa dhayi karee

Dhegahaygu aday ku maqlaan
Indhahayguna aday ku dhugtaan
Soo dhawow
Dhabta aan ku saaree
Dheesha dheesha
Dhakac dhakac aan dheelnee
Dhuumashow aan dheelnee

You can never have enough love [i.e. be satiated]
It spreads in the bones and marrow
It moves in the food pipe
Blood and heart

I wait for you like rain drops
I feel mercy for you as if you are my son
I protect you from problems and anger

Dhaame, you planted love in me
I am proud of you
You are the doctor of love
you can cure the wound

My ears listen to only you
My eyes look only at you
Come to my lap
the play the play
let us play dhakac dhakac
let us play hide and seek

Page / 139-142

Keeping the Romance Alive

Laba baal

Vocals and melody by Maxamed “BK”
Words by Ciise Cabdi Ismaaciil “Jawaan”
Music by Cabdi Cabiib

Badhtamaha habeenkii
Markaan soo baraarugo
Beryimaysid caawee
Nafta bixi idhaahdaa

Bal haddaba bidhaan qurux
Kama baaqan karayee
Yaa i siiya laba baal?
Aan maanta boodoo
Berritaba la joogee

In the middle of the night
When I begin to wake from sleep
[I feel] I might not make it through the night [I say to myself ] Let my soul go

The shining beauty
I can’t stay away from her
Who will give me two wings?
So I can fly
So I can be with her tomorrow


(excerpt only)

Page / 142-145

Listening to Love

Moogiye jacayl waa maxay?

Vocals by Saalax Qaasim
Words by Bilaal

Song by Salaax Qaasim, with lyrics featuring the poetry of Cilmi Boodhari

Marna waa macaan
Marna waa qadhaadh
Hadba waa siduu
Kugu soo maree


Sometimes it’s sweet
Sometimes it’s bitter
It depends on how
It touches you